Making digital forensics investigations work for you..
Mapping and making all the right connections in digital forensics investigations by acquiring, analysing and reporting digital evidence in any media that stores data.

Digital forensics and its various branches, has always been the core business of Computer Forensics Lab since its establishment in 2007.
Computer Forensics Lab assisted by its digital forensic specialists, have been helping businesses and private customers across the UK in all fields covering collecting and analysing digital evidence including cyber-crime, hacking, forensic data recovery, examination of digital media relating to criminal defence, family proceedings, civil cases and digital document validation. As part of their remit, our digital forensic investigators specialise in advanced data recovery, data carving, cyber security, incident response and forensic computing,
Digital Forensic Experts
All our certified examiners and investigators are also registered Expert Witnesses and adhere to the ACPO (Association of Chief Police Officers) Guidelines in dealing with digital evidence ensuring the integrity and accuracy of data. This ensures decisive and comprehensive reporting, which is admissible in court and can be presented as expert evidence.
Digital Forensic Technology
Computer Forensics Lab makes use of best-of-breed in forensic technology providers such Encase Forensics, Magnet Axiom, Cellebrite, Oxygen Forensics, Belkasoft Evidence Center in addition to a whole suite customised open-source forensic tools to maintain a leading edge in all the casework that we handle. Computer Forensics Lab has heavily invested in our IT infrastructure and forensic platforms to ensure our leading edge is maintained. We always work towards continuously enhancing our service offerings in related areas. This allows our digital forensic investigators to efficiently identify, collect, recover and analyse multiple forms of digital evidence and present our findings in our court-compliant reports.
Quality of Digital Forensics Investigations
The quality standards implemented by Computer Forensics Lab, ensure that all processes and procedures are as efficient and defensible as possible. Dedication to quality is at the core of our values and ensures that evidential integrity is maintained throughout the life-cycle of a digital forensic investigation. Our experienced case managers provide dedicated account management to each individual case and are acutely aware of the sensitivity and time-critical nature of instructions. All management processes are compliant with ISO 9001 standard which provides a set of principles and guidelines that ensure a high level of client satisfaction.
Security of Acquired Data
We consider the security, confidentiality, and integrity of client data highly important therefore, Computer Forensics Lab has put procedures and processes in place for handling customer data and adheres to the ISO 27001 standard which is the International Standard for Information Security Management. All collected data is kept in our secure infrastructure and evidence storage facility and access is restricted to core examiners, investigators, case managers and their assistants.
Availability of Digital Forensics Experts
Our computer forensics experts are always available to discuss the various aspects of on-going digital forensics cases as well as welcoming any inquiries for new cases and we will be prepared to provide pre-case consultation and discuss all matters of interest with our clients before any case is assigned to us.
Branches of Digital Forensics Investigations
Computer Forensics
- Forensic imaging and data preservation of digital devices
- Physical and virtual server acquisition
- Data recovery (including deleted files, folders and emails)
- Remote download of cloud accounts, cloud-based systems
- Email correspondence examination and validation
- Social media forensic examination
- Internet activities and browsing history
- Theft of electronic intellectual property
- Analysis and reporting of employee computer usage
- Identifying illegal and indecent imagery
- Cyber-crime and hacking investigation
- Email impersonation and fraud investigation
- Forensic examination of cloud assets such as cloud storage, virtual machines and email exchanges
- Digital document authentication and validation
Mobile Phone Forensics
- Forensic imaging and data preservation
- Remote acquisition of cloud accounts
- Examination and recovering digital evidence for use in civil or criminal, defence or prosecution
- Identifying illegal and indecent imagery
- Recovery of deleted or lost data
- Examination of mobile internet usage
- Production of photographs, videos and call lists
- Determining the location of a phone at a specific time and date
- PIN bypass for data extraction
Digital Media Investigations
- Social media analysis (including posts, comments, messages, pictures, videos)
- IP address identification and analysis
- Router interrogation
- Conduct Wi-Fi surveys and comment on the attribution of IP addresses
- Open source research investigations
Cell Site Examination and Analysis
- Establishing the geographical location of a mobile phone when calls, SMS messages or data is sent or received
- Information gathering is used to generate detailed coverage maps where the service areas of individual cell sites are displayed
Cell Data Record Analysis
- Date of call
- Time of call
- Call duration
- Number making the call (originating)
- Number receiving the call (terminating)
- IMEI- International Mobile Equipment Identity
- CI – Cell site identity number
Expert Witness Services
- Expert Witness Presence in UK Courts in All Matters Relating To All Data Types Contained in Digital Devices