Key Digital Forensics Service Offerings by Computer Forensics Lab
Digital Forensics Services -Areas in digital forensics where Computer Forensics Lab can help professionals and private customers
Computer Forensics Lab is a major provider of computer forensics services in UK. Our digital forensic experts recover, analyse and present digital evidence stored in mobile phones and computers which can assist law firms, local government, company directors and private individuals in legal matters involving family law, disputes, safeguarding, copyright violations and compliance issues.

Digital Forensics and Incident Response DFIR
Computer Forensics Lab experts identify, discover, recover and analyse digital evidence from all types digital devices such as computers, networks, mobiles phones, hard drives, memory sticks, memory cards, audio and video recorders, CCTV cameras, cloud computers and virtualised environments. We can uncover digital evidence in all cases related to fraud, information theft, network intrusion, employee internet abuse, cyber crime and other computer security breaches. Computer forensics or IT forensics also can cover a number of areas related to IT security, such as pen testing and security audit to ensure all vulnerabilities are discovered, reported and eliminated. Computer Forensics Lab digital forensic team have extensive experience in conducting investigations for law firms, law enforcement, public bodies and businesses as well as private individuals or anyone targeted by cybercrime.
Computer Forensics Lab’s areas of expertise:
Computer Forensics Lab services cover mobile forensics, digital forensics, cybercrime expert analysis, hacking investigations, computer hacking expert advice, mobile phone forensics, cell site data analysis, audio forensics, video forensics, website forensics, digital document forensics, photo forensics, corporate data theft examination, data breach invetigation as digital forensic examination of smart home or business appliances.
Keywords and definitions:
Digital Document Analysis
Computer Forensics Consultant: Someone who has deep knowledge of computer forensics and is able to provide consultancy, training and support to the to the computer forensic team.
Computer Forensics Examiner: Someone who has a good knowledge of computer forensics and is able to image, image and examine digital devices which are subjected to forensic examination. Computer forensics examiner is also responsible for writing a report based on his or her findings. Computer forensics examiners report to the Chief Computer Forensics Consultant.
Computer Forensics Experts: Someone who has excellent knowledge of computers, mobile phones and their operating systems. Computer forensics experts have a good command of all the digital artefacts in various operating systems used in digital devices such as Windows, Linux, MacOS, Android and iOS. They can be called to testify in courts and answer questions about the digital forensics report produced by computer forensics examiners.
Computer Forensics Specialists: Someone specialising in computer forensics and helps computer forensics examiners in drafting the final report. Computer forensics specialists are in fact act as assistants to other members of the digital forensic team.
Digital Forensic Consultant: Someone who has deep knowledge of digital forensics and is able to provide consultancy, training and support to the to the digital forensic team.
Digital Forensic Expert: Someone who has excellent knowledge of computers, mobile phones and their operating systems. Digital forensics experts have a good command of all the digital artefacts in various operating systems used in digital devices such as Windows, Linux, MacOS, Android and iOS. They can be called to testify in courts and answer questions about the computer forensics report produced by computer forensics examiners.
Digital Forensics Examiner: Someone who has a good knowledge of computer forensics and is able to image, image and examine digital devices which are subjected to forensic examination. Digital forensics examiner is also responsible for writing a report based on his or her findings. Digital forensics examiners report to the Chief Computer Forensics Consultant.
Digital Forensics Investigator: Someone with an investigative mind who connects all the dots and leads found and examined by the digital forensics team. Digital forensics investigators behave like digital detectives questioning and rationalising all the findings.
Other names given to a qualified and experienced IT professional capable of delivering digital forensics services to busineses, government agencies and private individuals include forensic computer specialist, forensic computing expert, forensic computing specialist, mobile forensics expert.